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I'm not sure if I have a False Positive Or Not


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Hopefully, this is the correct forum to post this. I wasn't sure, since I have never posted at Malwarebytes before. Last night I ran a full scan using Malwarebytes and got an “ugly” report showing my PC was infected with Trojan.agent with 32 instances in various locations (log file attached). I followed the instructions at the end of the scan and rebooted the computer in safe mode and re-scanned No malicious items were noted. I performed a full scan in regular mode and received a clean report. This morning I performed another full scan using the "mbam.exe /developer" command and received a clean report (log file attached).

I have used Malwarebytes for several years and have not had any results that come close to the report I received yesterday and I am not one of those users who are easily fooled into downloading bogus anti-virus software from a pop-up window that attempts to convince me my computer is infected and then buy their software.

What I would like to know is how can I tell if the results of yesterday’s scar are a false positive and if it is not a false positive, how did I get infected so it doesn't happen again? Any assistance would be appreciated.

Thank you.

mbam-log-2012-12-05 (17-53-40).zip

mbam-log-2012-12-06 (08-55-37).zip

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