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Database version and fingerprints loaded

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Hi i installed MB a few months ago and last week I noticed it was not updating, It said it had but it hadnt update to the newest version.

So I uninstalled it and installed it again and was just wondering if there was any way of knowing what the current Database version and fingerprints loaded was?

I cant seem to find it anywhere...mine states Database version is 1801 and fingerprints loaded is 71011, is this correct?

Thanks in advance.

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Yep sounds about right. Check and make sure your Task Scheduler service is running.


Where would I find the task scheduler service and is there any place on the site that posts the up to date fingerprints number so i know its running correctly?

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To check the Task Scheduler service, go to Start and click Run and in the Run box type in


and press enter. Now look down the list for Task Scheduler and make sure it is Started and set to Automatic .

As far as info about the current definitions, there is no place on the website containing this info (at least not at the moment).

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You're very welcome :rolleyes:

If it isn't set to automatic and not running then any program that uses the built in Task Scheduler to run scheduled tasks will fail to do the tasks. Most software uses it's own built-in scheduling program to do updates and scans etc so they wouldn't rely on the built in Windows Task Scheduler. MBAM, however does depend on it, so without it running, it won't update and scan automatically.

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it download at the time but it didnt install the update it just stayed at 1.33, its downloading updates now......well i think it is...it did say you have the most up to date version, but now its downloads and says updated from database version 1801 to 1801! A bit strange I thought.

but thank you for you help!

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No problem. As far as the issue of updating from 1801 to 1801, this is a known issue with the update servers. If you wouldn't mind helping the developers out, any time that happens (you get the same database downloaded as the one that's already installed) please run this tool: TracePut.exe It will collect info about the exact server that your system is getting updates from and notify them that there is a problem with it's database updating.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again!

Ive tryed to update again and it wont it just does the "updated from 1801 to 1801" again with out really updating, ive sent the info using TracePut.exe like you said but it still doesnt update, I know my computer is clean so what shall i do? if unistall will it work? because it didnt last time.

Thanks in advance.

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OK, the current database is 1872 so there must be a problem. First off, are you logged in as an administrator? Second, does Internet Explorer connect to the internet? The reason I asked about IE is because Malwarebytes' uses the same settings to download updates as Internet Explorer.

Once you've answered those questions, you might also try manually installing the updates from GT500.org. If that works, then try opening Malwarebytes' again and see if it will update (the database from GT500.org is older than the current database but should be newer than 1801 so this will help to diagnose the cause of your issue).

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