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Hi there,i was playing a game of counterstrike global offensive today on a server that has infinite ammo. When i closed the game down i noticed malwarebytes was blocking an IP address on more than one occasion. I didnt think anything of it then started to load up left4dead2 and the same thing happened right away and this is the IP its recorded "" (there are other IP's all very simlar to this that have also been blocked)

It say's the connection type is outgoing from the left4dead2.exe file on port 57263 and i've also seen other ports being blocked too.

The weird thing is that it happens before i even connect to any servers......when i google the IP i find that its mentioned on russian websites as a game server and also another refernce on here saying that IP's within this range are commonly used by criminals because the ISP that holds that range is "criminal friendly"......does this mean i've been hacked or is something else going on here?



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