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False positive - 4PL-Insight


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I'm a competetive Battlefield 3 player and there's a German league called 4pl that got an own developed Anti-Cheat program called 4PL-Insight. I don't know exactly how this program works, but I'm pretty sure it could be seen as some kind of virus by Malwarebytes.

I've whitelisted the program itself, but everytime 4PL-Insight starts a BF3 Match, it creates some .tmp files, so everytime I'm going to play a match with 4PL I have to disable Malwarebytes to avoid all these warnings or I have to ignore the .tmp files all time.

Is it possible for you to whitelist this application and the .tmp files it create?

If you need anymore information, please tell me and I will provide whatever I can.

Best regards,


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Didn't find a way to edit my post, but I thought of adding this.

The .tmp file is here: C:\Users\**My Accountname*\AppData\Local\Temp\gkk549C.tmp

and the "virus" is: VirTool.Vbcrypt

Sorry for spamming... but note that the name of the .tmp file is new every time.. but I guess you understood that already.

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Can you please attach a scan log of the detection and the file itself in zip format? I dont have much to go on at the moment to fix this.

I've attached a zip with only the two files from 4PL-Insight that is detected as virus. 4PL-Insight virus files.zip

I did also attach the five temp files that have been created by the program. Note that these temp files only get created when a BF3 Match is started, so if you're not playing in 4PL League yourself you won't be able to create any .tmp files, but all of them should be kinda the same anyway I guess... temp files.zip

Also scan logs of the install directory and appdata\local is attached. logs.zip

If you want to install the whole 4PL-Insight program yourself, you can download it from their site here: http://4pl.4players.de/index.php/Download:details/156/4PL-Insight.html?setlang=en.

Thanks again. If you need anything more just tell me!

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