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Errors 721 (0,7) and 722 (0,7)


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I installed MalwareBytes Anti-Malware v1.34 and ran a scan,

During the scan - which seeeeeeemed to take wayyyyyyy tooo long.. (not a slight against the program, I LOVE MBAM it is Awesome - more of a "could this be a symptom? why the error messages occurred" comment)

I got Error 721 (0,7) and 722 (0,7)

So i uninstalled and re-downloaded (in case my previous download was - a) corrupted during down load, :) corrupted during install.. or c) infected during install)

...installed it..

Updated it,


and about 20 mins in.. (on no particular file.. (has varied each time.. i have run the program) - and yes even stopped scan, ran a CHKDSK /r on reboot..

...still getting those errors.. :)

other scans with Spybot 1.6.2 and AVG 8.0 - are coming up clean :rolleyes:

Any insight? heads up ? help.. greatly appreciated :)

system specs,

Win XP Home, SP3, 256 Meg Ram (yes - grosssssly underpowered) - but only a 1.8GHz processor too :) but all i have at the moment..

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LOL dont be down about your specs. I had a customer come in with an Emachine they got....it had Vista Basic with 512mb memory and A P4 THATS RIGHT!!! A PENTIUM 4 PROC (not even HT)....i about crapped myself...it was brand new... rofl.

not to mention the 250W PSU...


Do you think your infected and thats why u downloaded MBAM? If you think your infected, you should probably go post a HJT log in the HJT threads...

That should at least get things moving :rolleyes:

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