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Infected by recurring malware

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I'm currently having problem removing viruses from computer. The problem is that after successfully rebooting the virus/malware would recur again as if I hadn't run malwarebytes. The problems I could see are:

1. Each disk drive (C: D: and even the flash drives) have a 6 letter name .exe application that can't get deleted and scanned by mbytes as malware.packer.gen

- pbaokj in C:

- dkhtfi in D:

- both my flash drives are infected with a random 6 letter .exe

2. Both regedit and tskmgr are disabled by administrator. I've tried using the conventional way of fixings thru gpedit but every time I restart the problem would reenact.

3. Ejecting the USB flash drive would always shows the error "G: is currently is used" and I need to use an independent tskmgr to close the handle/task.

Please help me. Looking forward for your reply.



mbam-log-2012-11-23 (12-53-37).txt

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Hello and welcome to Malwarebytes,

We have an advanced product in development that is now in public Beta: Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit. This tool has been designed to address the specific type of infection(s) identified on your system. At this stage Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit has been heavily tested and we are confident in it's capabilities and stability. That being said, this is a Beta product and certain disclaimers need to be made. All Beta versions are not final products. Malwarebytes does not guarantee the absence of errors which might lead to interruption in normal computer operations or data loss. Precautions should be taken. The types of infections targeted by Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit can be very difficult to remove. Please be sure you have any valued data backed up before proceeding, just as a precaution.

While we encourage and invite participation, Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit Beta users run the tool at their own risk. Malwarebytes bears no responsibility for issues that may arise during use of this tool, however all reasonable efforts will be made by Malwarebytes to assist in recovery should the need arise.

If you agree to these terms, please let us know and we will provide a download link and instructions for you.

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Update: Suprisingly, after running mbam and rebooting several times again after uninstalling unnecessary programs and killing suspicious processes thru SysInternals process explorer, finally, I've managed to permanently delete the malwares. I'm sorry for immediately posting my problems without trying harder. Thank you for your time and help.

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