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Antivirus 360 questions

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I have been reading as much as I can about this Antivirus 360 to try to answer my own question, but I think the people here can help me figure it out. I am fully aware that Antivirus 360 is malware, and that one should never install what they want you to install.

My question is, are the pop ups themselves evidence that I have this malware on my computer? Or to put it another way, is it possible to get a couple pop ups and not have the malware onboard, providing I did not click OK to download and install the components? This has me baffled. I think (but I'm not sure) the pop ups occurred when I was closing a MSN.com browser window.

I was quite unnerved to see these two pop ups today. I knew instantly that they were malicious, because I had read so much about Antivirus 360. And yet here it was, a "Windows Internet Explorer" dialog, warning me that my pc contains various signs of viruses and malware programs. I was stunned that the pop up got through. I clicked Cancel, and as I suspected might happen, a fictitious scan began anyway and then another window popped up confirming that I had programs that may damage my computer and I needed to install Antivirus 360.

At that point, to be safe, I engaged my firewall internet lock, then closed the warning window via red X.

I then scanned with MBAM and all was clean. I also scanned with avast! and all was fine.

In trying to understand how these pop ups appeared, all I could determine was that it might be because earlier I had been installing Adobe Flash Player and had temporarily lowered my ZoneAlarm Pro Program Control from its normal High setting to Low (shutting off the OSFirewall) and putting the firewall into Learning Mode. Although the Antivirus 360 pop ups did not occur during the Flash installation, they did appear soon thereafter. For the record, after downloading the Flash executable to my desktop from FileHippo, I scanned it with avast! and MBAM prior to running it.

So, long story endless, I am not by any means plagued by Antivirus 360 pop ups... just those two in rapid succession earlier today. And subsequent scans with a variety of security apps turn up no signs of trouble. I even ran a HijackThis scan and I recognized and could account for every line in there.

So, to repeat, are the Antivirus 360 pop ups themselves evidence that I have this malware on my computer?

I appreciate any input and advice. Thank you very much!

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Well, I had a lady that came in and she had a pop up on screen (it was made to look like an XP popup....but it was in vista LOL ) Stating the A360 gimmick. I ran scans and such and it found some spyware and such, but not really any Trojans...So I don't think it means you HAVE the virus...I would still beware and update MBAM frequently and run scans now and then to be safe. Also be sure to keep using and updating AVAST (i see it in ur sig) It has helped me numerous times as well.

Hope that helped some. I'm NO EXPERT compared to some, but Ive seen my fair share of this virus.

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Get me a ComboFix log, and I will take a look and make sure you're clean.

Here's the log. ComboFix rebooted my machine, which was unexpected (after having read the instructions, that is). The reboot restarted several of the resident programs I had shut down, such as the firewall, the AV, and BOClean. BOC jumped up to report ComboFix\HIDEC.exe as RSK-HIDE.SAA Variant. Hopefully the reboot and restart of those few resident security apps didn't phase the ComboFix process. Thank you for your assistance!

<Log removed by OP>

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