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Follow-up on Anvisoft discussion


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I thought I'd post a follow-up to this discussion, since the thread was locked:


Basically a bunch of MB users were wondering who/what Anvisoft was, and whether it was legit. I did a bit more digging.


Thanks for the inspiration.

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reading further down the article and the reader comments at krebs ... it seems that the product is "hot" .

one fellow mentions that the physical address for the company appears to be bogus (he lives in the area) .

all said and done ... i am staying away from the product .

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reading further down the article and the reader comments at krebs ... it seems that the product is "hot" .

one fellow mentions that the physical address for the company appears to be bogus (he lives in the area) .

all said and done ... i am staying away from the product .

Just for fun, I Googled the address, and this is what I got:


The address appears to be bogus (it is entirely possible for an anti-virus software company to be run out of the back of a copy/mailbox store, and Google's picture could be out of date). Unfortunately, a picture that Google took while driving by just isn't enough proof to say that it is absolutely bogus. I mean, seriously, Google can't even figure out where I live, and I've told them this on at least one occasion. Google isn't foolproof... :lol:

Edit: Of course, on second thought, they could just rent a mailbox there.

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