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Widdit and installhit


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Using XP SP3 and Firefox 16... (11/12/2012)

When using firefox browser I noticed last week that the rotating circle in front of the web name in each tab continues to rotate after the page has loaded--the indication being something is still trying to load.

At the bottom, left of the screen I see waiting for widdit.com, then waiting for installhit.com. Installhit is mainly what is keeping the rotating circle active.

Yesterday's version of Malwarebytes found nothing.

On avast's website if you enter widdit there is a thread. Widdit (username) claims that their software is benign and directs to their web page which he claims has removal instructions. It doesn't and using the provided link to see if it is on my computer claims it is not.

Firefox lists no addins or extensions apart from what is normal for my firefox. Do Not Track is installed.

It does not appear to be a problem with IE.

I did not install this on my computer and would like to get rid of it. How?

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Well, I think I may have found the solution. I found a plug-in / add-on in Firefox Options | Addons called Complitly and I disabled it. Later I got a message asking if I wanted to remove it. I said Yes and now it seems that Firefox is no longer waiting for widdit.com and installhit.com. See


. Spybot has a write up that I could not understand so I ignored it. I never got deep enough to know if they are trying to sell a removal tool. ?

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