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utorrent is not illegal software!

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I agree with you but I don't make the rules. The fact is that utorrent and other torrent downloading software is legal software that is largely (though not exclusively) used for illegal purposes. The problem, from a security perspective, is that the nature of such software is particularly vulnerable to abuse by those wishing to spread malware. Despite this, I don't think it's the duty or responsibilty of security organisations to enforce the law by blacklisting a software that may or may not be used to break it. They do however, have the right to do so.

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  • Root Admin

Actually I will speak with Maniac on this as the that is not our stance. If you re-read our policy we do not say that use of any type of torrent software is illegal.

If you're using Peer 2 Peer software such as uTorrent or similar you must either fully uninstall it or completely disable it from running while being assisted here.

Basically we don't want you running any type of P2P software while being assisted in detection and removal of malware as it simply makes it more difficult to detect and remove threats properly.

Thank you

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