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Microsoft's November security updates include critical Windows 8 and RT patches


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Microsoft's November security updates include critical Windows 8 and RT patches

By Jamie Rigg writer_rss.gif posted Nov 10th 2012 2:15AM


Microsoft recently issued its "Security Bulletin Advance Notification" for this month, detailing which operating systems and software will be updated on November 13th.

(See the POST http://forums.malwarebytes.org/index.php?showtopic=117149&view=getnewpost in Microsoft Advisory Updates for specifics..~~Shy)

While many products are being addressed, including Office for Mac, newly released Windows 8 and RT are the most notable entries on the list. The first patches since they hit the market will fix "critical" issues which open them up to "remote code execution." Microsoft hasn't gone into specifics (obviously), but you can register for a webcast being held on the 14th (see source link) should you want enlightening. If you thought your fresh machine or slate was flawless, we're afraid to say it's just another member of the 'Patch Tuesday' club.

Via The Inquirer

Source Microsoft, Microsoft TechNet Webcast


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