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Windows 8 64-bit

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New user here :( ...

Is anyone else using MWB on a 64-bit Windows 8 system? I am seeing a couple of cosmetic issues and was wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

1) When starting the UI from the task bar or start page I get a UAC prompt.

2) I get an Action Centre warning that I haven't got any anti-spyware application running.

I know that I can get rid of both these issues by turning off the appropriate option in Windows, and there is a new version of MWB in the pipeline, but I was wondering if there is an easy solution now.

FWIW, I've tried installing MWB on its own (I use F-Prot as a AV), and installed under the Administrator option, but neither seems to help.


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  • Root Admin

1. That is normal - any software that has the ability to make system wide changes should be prompting you with the UAC

2. Our product is not currently listed with Microsoft as they originally did not have a category for antimalware - I'm not sure that is the case anymore or not but again is normal and not a Windows 8 issue - it is this way on Windows 7 as well.


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OK, thanks for the reply.

The reason I asked was that I was having a discussion in the F-Prot forum with someone who didn't see either of the issues. It turned out he was using the 32-bit version of Win 8, which might well make a difference, but I guess there must be some other mismatch in our setups.


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