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Malware scanning deleted files

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Before I run malware bytes I delete the temp files , and temporary internet files in order to save time and reduce the number of files that Malware Bytes scans. Yet while it is scanning Im noticing that these files are being scanned anyways even tho I have deleted them. ANyone know why this is so? or how I can fix this problem?

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Hello and :welcome:

First off to answer your question. If Malwarebytes is scanning those files its most likely cause they are there, or perhaps you did not clean all the locations that Malwarebytes is scanning. All that being said though.....

It is really NOT a good idea to clean temp files before using Malwarebytes. Some of todays infections acutally take all your Start Menu items and files and puts them in temp folders. If you were to run any cleaners and delete all temp folders you will also be deleting these items if they were move there by an infection.

Its best to Run Malwarebytes first and if an infection is detected it needs to be delt with first, and only after a cleanup is finished, and verified those files are not needed, then cleaning the temp files would be ok.

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