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False Positive


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Not sure what happened to my original thread, but Malware Bytes is still reporting this IP as a threat...

This is a new IP and a new server, this is not a threat at all.

Seems my last thread may have been removed , but the problem still exists so therefore repost...

Thanks in advance...

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  • Staff

Sorry for the delay, however your thread was not deleted, it was lost due to a severe server crash we had and we were unable to recover all the data, we lost over a weeks worth of posts.

Our IT tech will be with you as soon as he can to answer you querry

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Sorry for the delay, however your thread was not deleted, it was lost due to a severe server crash we had and we were unable to recover all the data, we lost over a weeks worth of posts.

Our IT tech will be with you as soon as he can to answer you querry

Oh i see, sorry to hear that, its not good when you lose data like that.

Thankyou for keeping me updated though, i appreciate it.

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