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Can I make MBAM filesystem protection ignore certain file extensions?

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I have some virtual machines and they have huge vmdk and vmem files, and I'm wondering if MBAM is scanning them. I would exclude them but I can't figure out how to exclude extensions. Is there any way to exclude certain extensions? Is what I'm doing even necessary.. does MBAM know not to scan certain files?


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Greetings :)

You cannot exclude specific file extensions but you can exclude specific files and locations, so if they are all stored in a certain folder, you can exclude that folder and they will not be scanned.

If you're referring to the Quick Scan, it only checks the locations where malware is known to install itself, so if these files are stored on a secondary drive, they will not be scanned. If the files are not executables, they will not be scanned by the protection module in the realtime protection of the PRO version.

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