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Setting update scheduler.

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Hi, My first post on the forum. I would like to change the TIME of the updates. I know I can change the day but I want to change the time of the scheduled updates because I usually start work on my computer around the exact time the scheduler wants to update and it eats up all my memory and prevents me from web browsing.

If I can't change the time, which is now 10.58am for some reason, I will not be paying to keep my service going next year.

I have version

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Hi and welcome to MBAM forum, WestOfMiss:

Of course you can change the time in the scheduler. :)

TMALSS, you need to put your mouse into the time field (the white "starting on" box), select the part of the time display that you want to change, and that will highlight the number that you want to change (screen shot attached).

Then just set it to what you want by using your keyboard, and be sure to click "save" on your way out.

The video links below show you how.

NOTE: The "scan" schedule video actually shows how to change the time, but the same method would be used to edit the update schedule.

How to Schedule an Update

How to Schedule a Scan

A typical update schedule is hourly (with or without a flash scan), and a typical scan schedule is daily (QUICK scan is all that's needed).

I hope that is clear enough to get you going. :)

If not, please post back and we'll help you,


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