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If a BLOCKED message occurs, what to do?


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End user states http://www.sadeesays.com is not allowed, MalwareBytes blocks the IP with the following message:

"Successfully blocked access to a potentially malicious website:"

Type: outgoing

Port: 62156, Process: Chrome

I tried with all browsers, not only Google Chrome, and it keeps getting blocked with same message from MalwareBytes.

Do I just add it to allowed IP's, wait for someone to validate it's OK or not OK?

And, in the future, how does one be aware, alerted, educated to the fact to be able to know the difference to allow or disallow, false or positive, or is the procedure to post here, as I am, and await further instructions?

I've very appreciative of this application, it's a fantastic tool, but as in any software used, the end users get's alarmed, and we don't want them recklessly allowing everything because it's being blocked.

Also, what are the pre-determined qualifiers that make a blocked IP or address show as such in MalwareBytes?

Thanking all in advance.


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