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Dear MBAM team,

i have just registered this account on your forum to express my delight, happyness that your software exists..

you did something that zonealarm, avast, spyhunter are failed to do.

my problem is as follows...or I need to say WAS <_<

i have used zonealarm for years, regulary updating it, moving to new versions and it serves me well.

but in sometime i have noticed that my computer became slower and then suddenly two weeks before, all my websites I'm running was compromised with iframe hack.

Big problem for a web designer...al my ftp account passwords are been exposed to an unknown hacker...

solved that problem and installed Avast.

avast discover more than 15 viruses and worms and deleted them. I have run bootscan and deleted infected files but nothing changed.

my computer went frenzy every time I log in...sometimes I couldn't even log to windows(computer freezes on login screen) or that proccess became a lottery..sometimes I can log in but mostly not.

then i find info about your software on the net...

tried to download it from your official web address but browser keep telling me that link is broken...

find it on some download location and istalled it...tried to update but software are keep telling me that no internet connection is available...but there IS an internet connection...

i tried to scan with old database...


shell31.dll, ~.exe and dozens of registry problems....scan was finished and i restarted my computer...

-no more login problems

-no more computer freezing

no more mt5.popups when visiting sites

thank you...

thank you...

thank you!

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