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Protection stopped working, gives error.


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"[CreateService] Failed to perform desired action. Error Code: 1073"

I have never had this problem before and it only started happening after I downloaded CCleaner and ran it to wipe off old, unused registry keys.

There is absolutely no way I am infected with spyware or viruses. I just did a full reformat on all of my internal/external drives, immediately installed all of my purchased virus/spyware removal programs (which includes this one), ran all scanners/protection just fine, and MBAM's protection just stopped working all of the sudden after a required restart.

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  • Root Admin
"[CreateService] Failed to perform desired action. Error Code: 1073"

I have never had this problem before and it only started happening after I downloaded CCleaner and ran it to wipe off old, unused registry keys.

Well not really your fault due to all the marketing and hype behind all these Registry Cleaners but now I think you see why most of us say these Registry Cleaners are useless. Otherwise known as SNAKE OIL. Often causing MORE harm than good. It is very rare that a Registry Cleaner will ever help your system in either speed or functionality. It is possible, but what it's doing needs to be reviewed by someone that is very knowledgeable in the Registry and Application that it wants to adjust the keys on.

If you have a backup of the changes that CCleaner did to the Registry please go find it and undo, re-apply the removals it did and restart the computer and see if the problem goes away or not.

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Hmm, I was under the impression that this was one of the few ones that wasn't overzealous. I've tried out others that were more mainstream like RegCleaner, and at one point it found over a thousand problems with my registry and expected me to delete all of them.

But like you asked I restored the registry entries that I deleted, however the problem still persists.

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Interesting, if Ccleaner caused it it would be the first incident I've ever seen that it caused a problem. I've used the reg cleaning function on it hundreds of times on hundreds of computers and never had an issue.

To try and fix your problem please follow the instructions here to see if it helps: http://www.malwarebytes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7038

Make sure to write down your license info or save it to a text file before doing it because it will wipe it out from the registry and you'll need to re-enter it once you reinstall

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  • Root Admin

Well I've personally seen them disable functionality of programs by removing valid keys that were not populated by the program until use. The cleaner saw no entry so removed it. Program could not write the data because it didn't exist. I've also seen an old modem program that would not update the software for the same reason. I've not seen one stop a computer from booting but I've seen more than once these annoyances that were due to the person using the program not understanding what the keys do or are for.

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