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I installed malwarebytes and ran a scan and it found a few files that it removed. Upon rebooting the computer, after the windows 7 welcome screen all I see is a black screen with my mouse cursor. I ran windows in safe mode and ran malwarebytes again and it found one more file which it removed. Still however, when I booted up normally I receieved the black screen with the mouse cursor. I ran a system restore to the one and only point (feeble attempt I know) and am now apparently back where I started with windows booting up normally, and receiving the random numbered exes asking to make changes to my system.

Can someone please advise of the next steps since this seems to stray from the normal procedure listed in the "I'm infected - What do I do now"" thread.


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Hello and welcome:

It sounds from your description as if you are still infected.

We don't work on malware-related issues in this section of the forum.

So, in fact,you posted in the right place originally. :)

Please stay with your other topic in the malware removal section >>HERE<<.

While you are waiting for a qualified helper to reply there, please read and follow the instructions in this sticky: I'm infected - What do I do now?

If the computer is crippled by the infection and you cannot run DDS or post the logs, then please just wait for a helper to provide assistance in that other topic.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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