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While using vuze torrent downloader, I constantly get alerts about possibly melascious websites blocked. Is there a way to find out if these ports are safe? Blocking them does not seem to affect my system. If I keep them blocked is there a way to keep Malwarebytes from alerting me everytime it blocks the same IP?

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Hello and welcome, rthomas529: :)

IP blocks are to be expected when running torrents and other filesharing programs.

For example, please see this help desk topic about Skype and this one about P2P.

If the tooltip balloons notifying you of these blocks are an issue, you can disable the notifications, as explained in those articles. :)

Please be aware, however, that, even with the IP blocking module, P2P and other filesharing programs are an outstanding way to get your system infected. Filesharing/downloading from unknown sources is one of the leading causes of transmission of malware.

Risks of File-Sharing Technology.

P2P file sharing: Know the risks

(It's also against the MBAM Piracy Policy)



PS This topic is not posted in the correct section. So, if you need more help with this, a mod may move it to a more suitable location, such as the General forum. :)

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Hi, rthomas529:

No problem.

But, no matter what one is actually downloading, filesharing is unfortunately one of the most common causes of serious malware infection we see here.

Just for the record...

Were you able to disable the tooltip notifications of the IP blocks, or do you need more help with that?


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