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MBAM Update and Compatibility Issues

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I am considering recommending MBAM for an "Isolated" Corporate PC environment. Please answer the following questions:

1. How would you go about updating MBAM when there is No Internet connection?

2. Is MBAM compatible with McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i?

3. Will MBAM install and run on Windows 2003 Server (32 bit)? There are some PC's with Windows XP Pro (32 bit) and some Servers with Windows 2003 Server (32 bit).

Thanks in Advance.

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  • Root Admin


If the computer is not connected to the Internet then our product would probably be of little value. Almost all detections we stop or remove come from directly browsing the Internet. It's possible we might detect something transferred by USB or CD but in most cases your Anti-Virus would be better at that type of flat file detection. We specialize in 0 day live threats not older dormant malware.


Yes in general, however McAfee VirusScan Enterprise itself has a known bug and they do not honor their own exclusions list so you can't exclude all items you want to which can potentially cause an issue. Again, this is only due to a long standing 2 year old bug in the McAfee program that has not been fixed to this day as far as I know.


Yes, Malwarebytes installs and runs on all versions of Windows except command line server only for XP with Service Pack 2 or newer operating systems both x86 and x64 (excluding Windows XP x64 which is not supported fully because Microsoft did not add some key library files to that OS)

Thank you

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