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Hey guys. Yesterday I was on my PS3 just tryin' out the browser when I decided to do a general search for online comic book websites. I found a couple of hits. I randomly clicked a website and it did take me to a library page where I could search for any comic I wanted. But just as I was about to search for something, this chatbox appeared with a weird name (it looked like a Facebook chatbox) and someone on it said that they would like to meet me and a whole load of baloney. I'm a naturally suspicious guy so I didn't click on anything, I just exited the PS3 browser. Is this some sort of malware? I'm not so worried about my PS3 being infected, what I am worried about is the fact of some botnet, backdoor, or worm hiding on my Internet network. I have 2 internet networks for my house. One that came with the builder (of the house) and the other is from the ISP. The builder's network is unsecured (meaning no password on it, anyone can join) but I do plan to secure it. The ISP one is secured and I use this one for my computers. I used the unsecured one yesterday (for my PS3). Do you think my unsecured network is infected with malware? Could it spread to my secured network and onto my computers?

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