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Guest Seagull

Today as I was running my daily scans and I thought it would be a nice little feature to see the Malwarebytes "M" in the taskbar animate when it

does an update or a scan. I know this is just eye candy but it would be nice to see when your scheduled scans are running, like you can

have a red or black mark / dot travel through the "M" in the taskbar (Like a heart monitor machine sort of way) when you run a scan, and when it

updates have it travel around the Red Square box that the "M" is inside of. Just to remind you its is doing its daily updates and scans, without

having look at the Logs. Like I said, its just Eye Candy but would be nice little UI enhancement. Sorry if any similar Posts or Suggestions of this

recommendation were posted before.

Thanks. :)

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This would be a nice feature. Most of my customers are older folks. With something like Avast, I tell them that if their system seems slightly slower, look to its icon to see if its animated or not. I make the animation a good feature in their eyes and that action tells them the software is doing something for them.

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