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Search the forums but couldn't find an answer so here goes:

Have the Pro (paid, single license) version installed and has been working flawlessly.

Will be getting a new (replacement) computer.

What do I need to do to transfer Malewarebytes Pro to the new computer.


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Remove the software from the old computer and re-install MBAM on the new one and apply your license.

In addition to DHL's expert advice :) , it would be a good idea to run the mbam-clean tool on the old system.

That will remove all traces of the license ID and key and avoid any potential glitches later with having the same key on both computers.

This is explained a bit more clearly in the FAQ - Section A - Item #16.

Also (from the "been there, done that" school ;) ), please be sure you have your license ID and key handy before you start all this, as you'll need that info to re-register your MBAM on the new rig.

The license ID and key will be in an email from the reseller, Cleverbridge (if you purchased online).

If you can't locate that info, please post back and we'll tell you how to retrieve it.

(If you purchased MBAM in a box, the license ID and key will be in there.)

Apologies to DHL for jumping in on this topic, :)


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