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Weird IE problem


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Well, I guess the title explains it all. So I bought a laptop and it's pretty new. Not even a year old and this has happened since the first day I bought it. It's not a virus or anything like that just that, it seems like IE would lag(?) when I open it and sometimes it'd just pop up multiple IE windows continuously. I'd have to exit each and every one of them. There'd be like 50 of them popping up. :D It doesn't happen too often but i'm just wondering why the heck it happens in the first place and if there's anything I can do to fix it.

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  • Root Admin

Well I know we just worked on your box and that should not be happening. When you say Windows keeps popping up do you mean new IE Windows that go to different places on the Web?

In IE7 you can go to Tools/Internet Options/Advanced and click on the RESET button and that will reset a lot of items back to the default settings and removing some potential add-ons that might be causing it.

If that does not fix it let me know and we'll do some deeper scanning on your system, maybe something is there hiding deeper.

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Well I know we just worked on your box and that should not be happening. When you say Windows keeps popping up do you mean new IE Windows that go to different places on the Web?

In IE7 you can go to Tools/Internet Options/Advanced and click on the RESET button and that will reset a lot of items back to the default settings and removing some potential add-ons that might be causing it.

If that does not fix it let me know and we'll do some deeper scanning on your system, maybe something is there hiding deeper.

This isn't my work computer. It's actually my HP laptop at home. :D

It doesn't redirect to any website or anything. It just happens once in awhile. I really really doubt it's a virus because it happened the very first day I got my laptop. It seems to happen when IE kinda of lags, for example if IE is loading and I exit it then it'll just pop up multiple IE windows. My page is set to Google.com so if i'm connected to the internet, i'll just have a bunch of IE windows pop up to google or if i'm not connected to the internet i'll have a bunch of pages with error messages. It's just an inconvenience if anything really. Doesn't happen everyday or anything. Maybe like twice a month.

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