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Problem with Windows XP


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Actually, I've had it for awhile, but it hasn"t been more than an inconvenience to this point, so I've kinda just ignored it. It made downloading some pictures from our DSLR this week pretty difficult and it got on my nerves so now I want to fix it.

Whenever I try to access a Windows based tool or program like My Computer, Windows Explorer, Control Panel, My Network Places, My Music, etc., etc., I get a "Windows Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." error message dialog box. I get the same message regardless of which tool, program, folder I try to use. It makes it a real PITA to try to manage documents outside of a program like Word. If I want to view, sort, edit or manage pictures, for example, I have to do it from a Photo Editing program and I can't just go directly into My Documents or My Pictures. If I do, BAM, same error message.

Hopefully this is something that can be fixed because now it's really starting to aggravate me.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hi, aj_law:

In addition to RJGoodhouse's advice...

It looks as if you are working with forum mod LDTate in an open topic in the malware removal section HERE ? :)

If so, as a courtesy to your helper, to minimize confusion, and to conserve precious forum resources, it would be advisable to stick with your other topic until you are given the "all-clean". :)

If other, non-malware issues persist after disinfection, your helper will either assist you with them, or will refer you here or to other resources for resolution.

Thanks for your patience and understanding,


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@ aj_law:

follow/heed the post made by daledoc1 .

performing any steps other than what is going on between yourself and the person assisting you in malware removal can lead to some serious consequences .

also , personally speaking , it is in bad form to "butt in on" an ongoing "fix" for malware .

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