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Auto registration of protection module / service

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I just purchased 135 licenses for one of my companies. I have received information on how to do the silent installation and registration, however I need to go one step further.

I want to be able to silently and automatically setup MBamService to be turned on and automatic scans/updates run at a set time for all users. I want to do this via a logon script, so the user doesn't have to do anything except clean up anything it finds after a scan. It will be a one shot deal during the installation process.

Any suggestions?

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I assume you know how to create scheduled tasks on Windows via a logon script?

Our scheduled updates and scheduled scans are just scheduled with the Windows Task Scheduler, so it should be easy to do automatically in a logon script.

Also, to automatically activate the protection through a logon script, you can just use a .reg file to change the registry values for MBAM. You can even go as far as using ECHO to create the .reg file, and then delete it after it runs.

If you have any trouble figuring out the registry stuff, I can delve into it and make the .reg for you. It should be easy to do though.

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I'm sure I can do the schedule portion with the script. It's the register as a service that needs to be addressed. It's been a long time since I've done that manually.

I have a full registered version I purchased on my own PC. The registry shouldn't be a problem. I just can't recall how to get the MBAMservice and MBAMProtector to be placed as a service.

Any help would be appreciated.

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  • Root Admin

In my opinion you should just setup a single system to get the updates instead of wasting network bandwidth with 135 clients all going out and downloading a 2MB file every day.

Then schedule a remote admin task and have it copy the new file to all the other systems.

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I have a full registered version I purchased on my own PC. The registry shouldn't be a problem. I just can't recall how to get the MBAMservice and MBAMProtector to be placed as a service.

I thought they were installed as services when MBAM was installed. I'll have to check to make sure when it happens.

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AdvancedSetup: That's a good idea to to the push of the update, however the update file is only about 1.5 mb. Besides, about 40% of the users are on laptops and may not be in the office (or near the server) for a month at a time. So they will need to get updates on their own automatically. Another reason is the may be losing the use of the local server soon and going with a virtual server. Long story, but they want the protection that MalwareBytes offers, but can't afford to have updates pushed on a daily basis.

GT500: It's the Protection Module that I want to get started automatically. The service may be installed automatically, but I want the icon in the system tray running without going to each and every PC to get that setup. I already have about 20 that I'll have to visit personally that are never connected to the logon server.

I'm getting ready to run a test and compare the registry entries on two machines (one registered and activated and the other with the free version. I'll post my results shortly.

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Okay. I've been able to create the scheduled tasks, however they won't run because the mbamservice is not installed. That does not get started automatically upon installation.

After registering the software, the option is there to Start the Protection Module, but I can't get it to do it automatically via a script.

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