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Downloading Malware Bytes Problem

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I purchashed malware bytes on 2/6/09 and than ended up reformating my computer. How do I get it recognize that I'm already a user? I paid the extra 5 bucks to download for 24 months but can't seem to find the area where I do that and when I try to login it says that I'm not registered. What's the deal? Did I get ripped off?

I certainly hope not. If there's a moderator for this site out there I'd greatly appreciate a response either here or to my email addy.

Thanks kindly

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Greetings and welcome

Sorry to hear about your issue. Your best bet would be to create a support ticket here: http://helpdesk.malwarebytes.org/login

And if you don't yet have a login, please see here:


If that doesn't work out then you should probably PM Rubber Ducky as he is one of the developers.

I hope I've helped and that your issue gets resolved quickly. Good luck and safe surfing.

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