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Can you run MBAM Pro with Avast! Antivirus or Panda Cloud Antivirus?

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I heard that it is not a good idea to run 2 realtime detection programs at the same time or you'll be asking for trouble..

now I know how to setup the exclusions for both programs properly...but my question is....is it reall ok to have 2 security programs at once?

I don't wanna have some extreme performance decrease but since I own a license for MBAM Pro I thought I'd ask here since you guys know what's best

Also, any known incompatibilities with 1) Avast! Antivirus 7 or 2) Panda Cloud Antivirus

I am thinking which one is best to go with

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Avast and Malwarebytes Pro play very nicely together, iv no idea about Panda but i would suspect that also with the proper exclusions in place there shouldn't be a problem.

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Hi :)

Yes that's perfectly fine. The only rule for this is running only one antivirus and firewall at a time. This is a fairly old rule, but many people still suggest this even though it's not really accurate any more since most antimalware/spyware programs get along fine. :)

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