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MalwareBytes Saved The Day


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My daughter called frantically that something had happened to her computer and her sons (my grandsons) couldn't get to the school website or do any of the assigned homework. Also the screen was so full of dialog boxes that my daughter had a difficult time checking in and reading her office email.

After some research I determined that she had the A 360 Trojan and maybe other bad things on her computer. This could be a long story but I will keep it short since its likely a repeat of many others with the same problem. Apparently the McAfee security center didn't catch this and with the A 360 running, a security scan with McAfee wouldn't complete and fix the problem. So what now...

I went over and spent many hours with her computer. I was armed with the most important piece of software in the world. Thats Malwarebytes 'Anti Malware' software. I had done a lot of research before I decided that this particular software would be the one to use. With hind sight, that was an exceptional decision.

I had downloaded the Anti Malware software onto a flash drive at home since I wasn't sure if I would be successful downloading it with my Daughters infected computer. Again a good decision. I copied the software to the infected computers desktop and double clicked. Nothing happened. I did this several times to no avail. What I did next I think was an important step. I did a ctrl alt delete which opened the windows Task Manager (thank goodness that worked) and I moved it around so I could see it with the multitude of A 360 boxes that were on the window. I switched over to Applications tab and saw the A 360 running so I clicked 'End Task'. Then I went to processes and found something called Gamevance running. I ended that process. The various A 360 dialog boxes became static and new ones weren't appearing. So I tried starting the Malwarebytes 'Anti-Malware' program and this time it started and I could get the latest on-line updates. What a relief I felt! I started the scan which lasted 32 minutes and the software found 53 infected registry keys, 4 registry values infected, 81 folders infected and 163 infected files for a total of 99637 objects scanned (quick scan.) Sure enough this GREAT piece of software found and deleted ALL items related to A 360 (av360.exe) and others. Other items found and deleted were Trojan.dropper.vundo.e, FakeAlert, Gamevance, MyWebsearch, Minibug, Trojan.Agent, and items called ToolbarLogo, ToolbarSearch, weather, Starware. I am sure that all of these are bad but the A 360 and FakeAlert were the ones with the most immediate visible evidence.

I cannot praise the Malwarebytes 'Anti-Malware' program high enough. All of you at Malwarebytes have been and will continue to be my prayers of thanksgiving & praise.


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