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Need help securing PC after Malwarebytes finds same threat again and again


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Hello, I had no idea there was so much involved when it comes to being at risk...that is untill I was recently infected with the SMART HDD. I hired someone to help remove the virus from my system, which he did, but he installed an AV (AVG) program without first uninstalling the AV (MSE) program I already had. So, I then requested help from MSE Forum and bleepingcomputer.com and, for the most part was satisfied. But that all ended when I was instructed to do a total recovery, by someone who did not read my post correctly. It concerned issues I was having with Malwarebytes.

Which brings me here...and totally overwhelmed with the many issues involved with making sure my system is, not only properly protected, but configured to perform properly, too. I have always had Windows set to auto update, as well as updateding Adobe as soon as updates were available. I was not as diligent with Java, and THAT will NEVER be the case again.

I am somewhat computer illiterate, when it comes to all the technical stuff, so some of the proceedures offered are confusing. I don't really use my computer much but to sell on Ebay. I don't download music, movies, play games, chat, do facebook, IM or even emails (not very much, anyways). I only go online for research, and that's enough to get infected, as I now know. The only other threat I've encountered, was caught and quaranteened by MSE. But, then again, that was before I was aware of all the other programs needed to be fully protected, so I cannot be absolutely sure whether or not I've been invaded.

The reason I am posting here is, after having two threats Malwarebytes would find again and again, I was instructed to totally break my system down and reinstall Windows with a fresh start. I really did not want to have to do that, and after running Malwarebytes again, I may have made the right choice not to do that. It appears that those two threats, both Trojan.Ajent.Gen...one a (Registry Value) HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current...ValueRunOnce, and the other (File) C:\Windows\System32\qrpconv.exe are no longer there. The last occurance was two days ago. Each one had been found five times by Malwarebytes.

But, I am exsperiencing other issues that greatly concern me. I am currently logged into an account that I use all the time, but have access to administrator rights with a password. When I logged into the administrator account, a program called Uniblue wanted to run. I checked don't run and after two error codes popped up, I shut the system down. Uniblue is a program I can't seem to get off my computer. I don't remember even having installed it, and have never used it.

I don't know what's going on with my system, only that I never had any problems before. Can someone please help me fix whatever is wrong, and more important, help me to know exactely what I need to do to properly protect my system...and myself... so this never happens again. I don't know where to start...

Thank you for taking the time to read this long post...and thanks for any help/advice you can provide.

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Hello and welcome to Malwarebytes

I understand your frustration and I am sorry that you are having issues with your computer. It would be best to have one of our experts help you get your computer checked out to make sure all infections are gone, as well as them helping you uninstall any items you do not want running on your computer. They will guide you one step at a time and will give you the info you need to stay protected.

If you think you are infected, here are the steps needed to get your computer cleaned....

Please read the following so that you can begin the cleaning process:

Don't use any temporary file cleaners unless requested - this can cause data loss and make recovery difficult

You have 3 Options that you can choose from as listed below:

  • Option 1 —— Free Expert advice in the Malware Removal Forum
  • Option 2 —— Paying customer -- Contact Support via email
  • Option 3 —— Premium, Fee-Based Support


As we don't deal with malware removal in the General Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware Forum, you need to start a topic in the

Malware Removal forum so a qualified helper can help you fix any malware related problems/infections you may have.

  • Please read and follow the directions >>Right HERE<<, skipping any steps you are unable to complete.
  • After posting your new post, make sure under options, you select Track this topic and choose Immediate Email Notification,
    so that you're alerted when someone has replied to your post.

NOTE: Please do not post back to (bump) your topic within the first 48 hours.

Replying to your own posts changes the post count and helpers are looking for topics with zero replies.

If you reply to your own post helpers may think that you're already being helped and thus overlook your post.

  • If there is no reply from any experts after 48 hours, you can reply to the topic, asking for help again.
  • You may send a Private Message to a Moderator asking for assistance.


Alternatively, as a paying customer, you can contact the help desk by filling out the form located >>Right HERE<<


If you would like to use our Malwarebytes Premium Services, Comprehensive solutions to all your computer support needs—from installation and set-up to troubleshooting and tune-ups go to our Malwarebytes Premium Services support site --> >>Right HERE<<

Please be patient, someone will assist you as soon as possible.

PS: Please use the "Reply to this topic" oeXUf.png button not the Reply button when you start replying.

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Hi,thank you for assisting me. I just ran a full scan using Malwarebytes and did a full scan with MSE. Both were sucsessfull, showing zero threats, so I'm pretty sure I'm ok...as far as being infected goes. Unless there is some other program I should run. I also installed Secunia and all is well, there too. I really just need help getting back on track with my computer running properly and to get as protected as is possible. Should I still move to where it was suggested?

Thanks again, for the help.

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Yes, it would be a good idea to go ahead and follow the above instructions. That will allow an expert helper to take a closer look and make certain that there are no remaining threats or issues with your system. Once they're done with that, they will make recommendations on additional steps you can take to further secure your system to prevent future infections :).

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