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Items removed from ignore list

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I am using Malwarebytes 1.33, database 1730. Much to my surprise, it detected the following file as being infected with the Vundo trojan:


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft Windows\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLS\C:\Windows\System32|C:WINDOWS\System32\psqlpwd.dll

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Notify\psfus

I checked into this file and research indicates it is a legitimate Lenovo file, related to the fingerprint scanner. I've had it scanned at virustotal.com, and it comes up clean. SuperAntispyware also doesn't detect this as a problem, nor does AVG free 8.

I want to report this to Malwarebytes as a false positive, but I added these items to the ignore list before I joined this forum and read the proper procedure for reporting a false positive.

I see that there are options to "remove" and "remove all" from the ignore list. I would like to know what actually happens to these entries then. Will the items be left on my computer, or will they, in actuality, be removed from the computer? I don't want to proceed any further until I find this out. I'm not using the fingerprint scanner, but I still would like to have the option later on if I so choose, so I don't want to remove these items if they are legitimate files.


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