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Thank you!

Grave Ash

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  • 3 weeks later...

I figured I'd post my two cent's worth in your thread, considering my topic is the same. I echo Grave Ash's sentiment, as I've just come off a rather harrowing situation with my PC. For about a week straight (just fixed about two days ago) I received the unwanted bubble in my tray referencing spyware infections. I won't name the very popular program (that is included when I joined with my ISP) that was (yes, and still IS) running at the time...that didn't catch ANY of the instances that your product Malwarebytes managed to capture. I started with my ISP's program, moved onto Ad-Aware, Windows Defender, Spybot S&D, and finally after looking around frantically (and thinking that I'm probably going to have to just reload my PC, something I've not had to do for a LONG time...) finding this piece of brilliance! The other programs probably found maybe around 10 instances each of mal/spyware, but when I ran Malwarebytes it found 60 instances of spyware and even a trojan or two for good measure! The crafty malware even disabled by taskmanager! Anyway, your product saved my computer hide from many hours of restorations! Thanks guys!

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