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It's foolish to think there isn't malware in that file.

As an active eMule user and as someone who has followed this particular field with interest quite some time now I'd like to ask why you claim there is malware in eMule?

Frankly, possible contents of P2P network does not mean the application is dangerous itself. Should eMule contain malware, I'd think there would have been quite the few postings already, especially so in e-P forums. There are far too many rogue and malicious apps already in the P2P field, no point in tarnishing the reputation of one of the good apps with such claims.

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As an active eMule user and as someone who has followed this particular field with interest quite some time now I'd like to ask why you claim there is malware in eMule?

Frankly, possible contents of P2P network does not mean the application is dangerous itself. Should eMule contain malware, I'd think there would have been quite the few postings already, especially so in e-P forums. There are far too many rogue and malicious apps already in the P2P field, no point in tarnishing the reputation of one of the good apps with such claims.

I've only been in the sec comm for about 5 years or so and don't recall ever hearing people say P2P was safe.

Must be an urban legend. Glad you've been able to avoid things, I've come across many users who got infected using eMule. While none pop into my head as of recently, it's happened enough to warrant extreme caution.

Oh and I don't think there is any security professional I've heard of say P2P is safe, quite the opposite in fact. P2P is always one of the big things to avoid on everyone's list.

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eMule has been bundled with navipromo in the past lordpake, and wasn't that long ago


When and what versions? Must have been pre-2003 since I don't remember seeing Navipromo. Remember there are many fake versions out there pretending to be the real thing, such as emule(dot)com and official-emule(dot)com

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As far as I know none of the official versions has ever included Navipromo. Nor have I seen anyone ever reporting anything besides some random false positive in e-P forums.

And officials are downloaded from here http://www.emule-project.net/, heck you can even get the sources and compile your own if you don't trust the installers.

And I don't think "all P2P are safe". As I said, there are far too many rogues/malicious apps out there.

No offence intended, but if you can't show that official installer really did install adware, don't go saying that. I've been member of e-P forums since 2003 and as said previously I am not aware of any adware bundling.

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