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Cannot remove Prep.com file...virus?

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First, please try not to argue with my methods. It is a means to an end. I was blitzed with Vundo and a number of malware/virus issues. Running MWB did little good. I could not access the internet as Vundo blocked all access to anything including HJT. Only by bringing in CF by disc was I able to resolve the issue. CF has been a dream as I run it every 10 days or so and it still finds crap that manages to get in.

Suddenly, when I try to run the program, I get a Windows Explorer program that pops up that says "prep.com has encountered a problem"...blah..blah. It will not allow ComboFix to load. This only happens when I click on the thumbnail to update to a newer version of CF. If I remain with the current version, it tells me it has expired and will only run in limited functionality.

I have removed all CF files, etc with OldTimer's tool as the Run/Uninstall feature says it could not find ComboFix. Any attempt to download it again to my computer fails as prep.com encounters a problem and needs to close. I have found the prep.com folder. It says it was created in 2000 even though this is a 2007 machine. I delete the file folder and when I reboot, it is back again.

It continues to show up in my HJT log as a C:/ file which I cannot find a way to delete.

Any help would be appreciated.

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