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Does MBAM work on Windows 7?

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  • 8 months later...
  • Staff
MBAM does work on windows 7 except, it is not reconized by windows 7 as an anti malware spyware remover
It's not recognized by any Windows OSes. We're looking into getting certified by Microsoft but unsure when or if this will get done at the present time.
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  • 1 month later...
Yes it works very well with it.

I'm having an annoying problem with 64 bit Windows 7. At every boot the system asks permission for Malwarebytes to run again. I have tried installing it as an administrator and also not specifying administrator, same result. Changed the properties to run as administrator, or not, same result.

I looked into changing the user account permissions settings, but do not wish to lower them any more than they are right now.

It's not a big problem, it's just annoying. Any solutions?

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