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Hi, Alpha1:

It looks as if you are already being assisted at the helpdesk.

To address your specific question, you can certainly download the installer file to a USB flash drive.

That is what folks sometimes have to do when they are trying to install MBAM on an infected system with no internet access.

But -- even if you have the current version of the program itself -- you would still need to update the database version each time you used it.

Having said that...

1) There shouldn't be any need to keep MBAM PRO on a USB flash drive to avoid conflicts with your AV -- MBAM PRO is designed and tested specifically to run alongside all of the major AV software. So, once you have the mutual exclusions/permissions set up between your AV and MBAM PRO, you should be fine. The help desk folks who are working on your support ticket will assist you with that.

2) The primary advantage (in addition to incremental updates and scheduled tasks) of MBAM PRO is the real-time, layered protection it provides along with your AV. So, if you uninstall it from your computer and only plan to install it "as needed" from a USB flash drive, that would pretty much defeat the purpose of having MBAM PRO in the first place.

I'm sure one of the MBAM folks or experts will have some additional advice on this. :)



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