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First, let me say that AntiMalware is a wonderful product - I use the pro version on my system at home and buy a pro license for all my less-than-technical family and friends to protect their systems. That said, my only issue with having AntiMalware on those machines is that none of them update to new versions once they are released, even with the Windows bubble that reminds them. (They mostly don't install anything on their own) My number one feature request would be automatic program updates to new versions as they are released. Having that done automatically and silently would make AM just about perfect, and maintenance free.

Thanks again for a great product.

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I have to second GiggityGoo on this topic. MBAM is incredible, and very automatic, but the manual updates are a real problem. I would say the manual updates a real security concern; most users are afraid to click on any update message, which causes their version & db to get out of date. Let's at least make an option for full automatic updates, like in Google Chrome.

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Greetings :)

Unfortunately, security applications are quite different from internet browsers in that they generally load drivers in kernal mode, which usually cannot be stopped once started, thus making a reboot an absolute necessity, and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is no exception.

Also, with regards to installing program updates automatically or silently, I've yet to find a single security product that has such a feature, as all of the ones I have ever used or tested require the user to run through the installation process, just as we do, and then require a reboot to complete the installation (for the same reason mentioned above).

That being said, one area we would like to improve on is how frequently users are notified of a program update being available as well as how they are notified (i.e. something more prominent than a simple balloon tooltip), so hopefully this is something that we can work into a future release.

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