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What security software should I use?

Im using MSE, would Eset nod32 or kaspersky internet security be better?


I'm using MBAM, can I use MBAM pro, along with spybot and superantispyware?

What about the firewall? I's windows 7 firewall good? Or should I use the eset smart security firewall, or the one along with kaspersky?

Can we have simultaneously up to three antispyware software like the three I've mentioned?

Thanks in advance

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Nothing works 100%, I use MSE and Malwarebytes together and No Issues So far but if you have moeny to burn and you want to pay for something besides Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. Check here and see how they score:


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You will get a lot of responses and what it comes down to is that folks will recommend their favorites. No one software is 100% accurate and you just have to be careful what you visit on line.

I install many computers everyday and I use a combination of MSE and Malwarebytes Pro. This should do the trick. We have some folks here that have also added to the mix SuperAntiSpyware and have had no issues.

As for a firewall, I think that if you are behind a router, the Windows 7 Firewall should be sufficient.

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personally speaking only ...

i use ESET "smart security 5" ... it has proven to be very effective and does not "nag" you to death .

it will however let you know what is going on as far as blocking addresses and detecting things like a malicious code trying to be downloaded into your machine (etc .) .

the firewall that is built in is decent .

i also have used AVG internet security 2011/12 in the past and recommend/install it on some of the machines i repair . it depends on the situation the comp is in .

i use MB as the only adjunct to the above programs .

spybot was at one time good ... but an issue with resource hogging and missing some stuff developed , so i steered away from it .

while multiple "anti" programs can co-exist and run smoothly (possibly after setting exclusions in them) it is also a case of "too many cooks spoil the broth" .

two good programs (even if you have to pay for them) are better than four mediocre "free" programs .

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Guest Seagull

I personally use ESET Smart Security 5 with MBAM Pro and they work very well together and I never had any issues. I have this same combo on 2 other computers in my household and everything runs great.

Like what Firefox said you will get different opinions as everyone has they own personal preferences when it comes to internet security.

I personally like and recommend ESET Smart Security and it runs excellent along side MBAM Pro but, its whatever works for you. I also however, as a precaution, I did add exclusions in both ESET and MBAM.

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I used MBAM Pro & KAV together along with a Hostsfile using HostsMan. I never had any issues! :)

Currently I am using MSE & MBAM pro together and a hostsfile. I am going to get KAV again but for now I will see how this combo works out :) I always recommend MSE to those who would like or who need a free AV.

A few years ago I used AVG Internet Security with Mbam Pro and they worked together nicely as well.

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Ok, but between Kaspersky internet security and nod32 there's no difference right?

For now i'll uswe mse with mbam, later i'll buy eset and mbam pro.

I though that SAS and spybot were must-have.

There's no need in using spyware blaster right?

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Guest Seagull

The only thing I can say ajp is to download a trial for both ESET and Kaspersky and trial each for about a week or so and see which one works for you. Either way you can't go wrong with either, I used to use Kaspersky Internet Security but there was a little bit more of an impact on performance then ESET from my personal experiences.

I just stuck with ESET because I like the performance of it over Kaspersky but both provide great protection.

In my personal opinion, with a decent Anti-virus and MBAM Pro, you don't need spyware blaster even though it would not conflict with them because spyware blaster doesn't run in realtime it just adds a list of bad websites to block to your browser. Thats just my opinion. For me ESET Smart Security 5 and MBAM Pro is all and need and anything more would just be overkill.

Hope this helps. :)

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again ... personally speaking ...

like seagull , i also tried kaspersky and after giving it a fair shake i was not happy with a couple of things .

i installed ESET and on the first day i began to notice something ... i was getting update notifications several times a day .

i thought that it was a case of getting the program and database up to speed/date . these were not "on the hour" (as one could expect from a "scheduler") , they were at seemingly random times .

it has been several months and the pattern of updates remains the same .

it would seem that as new detection definitions (etc) are written they are funneled down the pipe .

i used AVG for many years ... for me to switch over the program had better be good .

as for adjunct programs ... "too many cooks spoil the broth" as far as i am concerned .

i have been pleased with the performance of MB ... and i sometimes go to (or wind up at places) where angels fear to tread (as part of the requirements of another site/forum i belong to) to check out links .

sure you can have SAS installed on a machine , nothing wrong with that ... but do not have it "running" . if you feel that you might be compromised for some reason ... then is the time to actually load and run the program .

keeping it loaded and running in the background consumes resources and can slow your machine down (and then there's them pesky "conflicts" to resolve) .

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Guest Seagull

It can be so yes and no. Because sometimes viruses will hide / make a copy of themselves in system restore so as soon as you restore your also bringing back the virus. I seen this before and the only solution to stop it from doing that is to turn off system restore which I DO NOT recommend or reverting back to a much older restore point.

I have, however, turned it off completely on my computer because I feel confident enough with the security of my system and how I have it tweaked here and there. Unless your a power user and know what your doing I don't suggest turning system restore off though.

All in all System restore can eliminate the virus entirely, not all malware / viruses will hide in system restore. Most malware I came across working on other peoples computers is that whatever infection they have always hide themselves in system restore too, so that eliminated the use of system restore to fix there computer.

Just get yourself a good Anti-virus like ESET or Kaspersky along with Malwarebytes Pro and you should be fine. If you would ever catch a nasty, the Experts and staff at Malwarebytes will happily assist on getting rid of it, its what they do best, kill malware. :)

I hope this helps. :)

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Hi ajp,

The important thing is that you use an updated anti-virus alongside Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro.

Which one is more of personal taste. As Firefox stated earlier, many have their own favorites.

The detection rates are typically pretty high though there are some that are better than others.

Sadly, nothing can guarantee 100%. All it takes is one to get through to ruin your day.

One of our forum experts helps explain the differences between Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and an AV application here and here.



As to which application to use, it often boils down to how comfortable you feel with the interface and how much you want to be involved in individual decisions.

Something else to consider is the level of support.

Do they respond to you in a timely matter? I'm not talking about 15 minutes. That is totally unrealistic. But is it within a day?

I've heard horror stories about some vendors that leave you wondering if they've even gotten your request for multiple days or never answer you at all.

Some have support forums in another language if you are more comfortable with that. Kaspersky is one that comes to mind, though I've seen others as well.

Regarding firewalls, again along with Firefox, for my personal needs, the Windows 7 firewall is sufficient.

You cannot run multiple anti-virus applications resident in memory at the same time. They are bound to conflict with each other and believe it or not, you will be less protected instead of more protected.

If you want to run another application as an on-demand scanner that should be fine.

Regarding System Restore - As Seagull has said, it can save you or hurt you. However, it does not backup your system and is not always the cure-all.

What we typically recommend in case an infection does take hold, is to leave it in place until we are done with the cleaning process.

It is better to have an infected restore than no restore at all - just in case something goes wrong. It doesn't happen often, but it does occur.

Once it is clean, we will ask you to delete any existing restore points and to create a new one.

I also see that you've been trying several AV's during your quest.

Unfortunately, some of them will not uninstall cleanly. You may find this link to be helpful for those recalcitrant ones.


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Ok ty jackivity, I think that, first I'll combine mbam pro with mse, and later maybe purchase eset.

As far as he other software concerns, I think I'll have SAS and spybot just for on demand scans, because what AV and mbam can't get, the other antispyware may detect.. And for what I've heard/read these two, along with mbam, are the best anti spyware programs.

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