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Hi, I'm new to the forum, recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate on one of my machines and found out it doesn't come with an e-mail client.

I downloaded and installed Windows live mail and I hate it.....to complicated for me, I just want to send/receive my mail.

Can you recommend a different program that I can use that is simple, without all the bells and whistles. I see there many out there:


I do have Office 2000 cd and it should contain Outlook, that I could use if it installs on W7.


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I suggest a program that has been around and maintained for over 21 years. It is easy, lite and very powerful.

Pegasus Mail

Soon we expect the author, David Harris, to release a whole new version, v5.0.

BTW: I don't believe Office 2000 is Win7 compliant

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Anyone else notice something wrong here???

I'm thinking his account was hacked. :unsure:

I posted in the thread to see what's up. I didn't want to raise the issue. But, it has been raised.

The post did come off like my fellow Jerseyite became possessed.

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