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How does Malwarebytes defeat keyloggers? Does it scan in some way as to make it logically impossible for a keylogger to remain unnoticed (e.g., checking each ethernet port for keyboard output) or does it compare .exe files to known keylogger configurations, or some combination of those, or something I haven't thought of?

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  • 3 months later...

Wow! I've just been told by "Blizzard Tech Support" that a problem I had was "most probably" caused because my account had been compromised because of a Keylogger running on one my PCs. How would a "Legitimate Keylogger" find it's way into my PC. The only people with physical access to the PCs are myself and my wife (and she needs help using email and facebook). I think what they said is a bunch of Bullhockey and an effort to promote sales of their Authentication device. I am at this moment running a full scall of Malware bytes on both of the possible PC's in question. But I was really curious about the "Legitimate Keylogger" comment. Also my wife has her own PC and it's not one I use at all. Lastly, If MBAM doesn't report all keyloggers - can you reccommend a program that does? I just want to be safe that I'm not being monitored by any sleazeball because I do a lot of banking from my PC. Thanks and by the way MBAM has finished on the PC I use for Gaming and it came up clean.

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  • Root Admin

Please send me a Private Message with your email address and this topic and I will assist you in scanning your system to see if anything is there hidden and running or not.

This topic will be closed as it's a bit old now. Please start a new post if you want to discuss this topic about your own PC.

Thank you.

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