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I have Malwarebytes installed and I use it in a passive way, that means it is not set to autorun with Windows and none update settings are marked.

The problem is that even when the program is closed it attempts to connect to the internet and that shouldn't happen.

Any clue?


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There are generally two thing that will cause Malwarebytes to connect to the Internet.

The Malwarebytes program will connect to the internet when a scheduled update is triggered. If you do not wish for this to happen you can go to the Protection tab and click on the Scheduler button. From here, you can delete any scheduled updates that are listed. This will prevent Malwarebytes from connecting to the internet.

Also, Malwarebytes will report statistics if the option is checked. You can turn this off by going to the Settings tab and clicking under General Settings and removing the check mark from the option "Anonymously report usage statistics."

Are you running the Pro version of the Malwarebytes software or currently running the trial? Also, when does Malwarebytes attempt to connect to the internet and are you blocking it? If you can, please attach a screen shot of Malwarebytes attempts to connect.

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