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Hello, I was just wondering if there was any way to automate enabling the Malwarebytes protection module?

I've got a silent installer running in deployment task sequence, and I would really like to take advantage of activating a product key, updating and scheduling silently - but everything that I've read says that the Protection Module must be enabled manually with the GUI first. Is there any way around this?


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Is this in a business environment?

As your statement seems to indicate that this is a business please contact corporate support and they will assist you with this.

Please send an email to corporate-support@malwarebytes.org

Also make sure you have malwarebytes.org and salesforce.com in your Safe Sender list in email.

In order to assist you better please provide the following information when contacting them.

Cleverbridge Order Reference Number:

Organization name:

Approved Contact name:

If you no longer have access to the order number you can contact Cleverbridge to obtain information about your order.

Cleverbridge customer service

Thank you

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I can understand that, this is however a consumer forum mainly for home users. They tend to handle corporate stuff here differently and do not post corporate fixed on here. They work with corporate users via email and on the phone AFAIK.

As for home users, being that you normally only install Malwarebytes once and register it once on a computer, I don't see the need to automate these items.

I however am not on the Malwarebytes Staff or employed by Malwarebytes so this is my opinion and from what I have gathered from being a member here for some time.

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