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Unsure if this is the exactly correct place to post this. When visiting our site (www.dragonbyte-tech.com) MBAM throws up an IP block for

That IP is not associated with our site - we did have a brief security intrusion that has now been cleaned, and we cannot find anything that is trying to redirect etc. Hosts files are clean as well.

I was wondering if it is possible this is an error/false positive from MBAM or if it is a certain indicator that there is a security issue with the site.



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Our site is on a dedicated server, and our IP ( is also dedicated and exclusive to the site in question :)

We're hosted by www.hivelocity.com - I don't know what AltusHost is.

Is there a way to get a clear indication of what the malicious content is? We had an infection on our site but we have since cleaned it up as well as installed several new security measures that should prevent this from happening again.

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