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Malwarebytes recently downloaded a new update and when ran, it detected Trojan.Agent in two files.

One of the files, a command-line utility used for checking jpgs name npjpeg.exe, shows the last date of modification was in 2009. The program does show being created last month, and that was because I moved the file to another hard drive when doing a system backup without files.

Previous versions of Malwarebytes has never flagged this program before.

Screen capture of the npjpeg.exe file details:


The other file that Malwarebytes flagged, names A0555305.exe and located in the System Volume Information directory, appears to be related to the npjpeg.exe as they share the same file details. Screen capture details of the other file flagged as Trojan.Agent:


Is this a false positive? How does one make sure? I also ran SuperAntiSpyware, which did not flag these files.

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Greetings :)

I suspect that you are correct, and that these are false positives.

Please refer to this post: Read before reporting a false positive!

and post the info here: False Positives and one of our researchers will investigate the issue and respond as to whether or not this is a false positive, and if it is, they will get it corrected.


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