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A question arose on Wilders Security Forum from TRJAM. I don't know the answer.


As all, I love this product but have never used it real time. My reason is the kid factor and I might be wrong on this so I am asking.

Whne you run a malacious file the pop up gives you 2 choices, Ignore and Quarantine

This wont work for me as kids are not going to understand or choose the right choice. Is there a way to make it quarantine automatically.


__________________End Quote

I hope it is OK to post this here. I use MBAM in real time, but cannot find the answer.



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If "kids", children, can't understand the concept of "Ignore and Quarantine" then the children are using the computer untrained and unsupervised and that's wrong.

The parents should be present and supervise the children's activities if they are too young to understand the difference between "Ignore and Quarantine" and older children should be trained and understand how to be safe using the Internet and know what to do when they get a "Ignore and Quarantine" pop-up.

The responsibility for "kids" lies squarely on the shoulders of the parents. It is their responsibility to teach their children or not allow them on a computer that accesses the Internet in the first place.

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If "kids", children, can't understand the concept of "Ignore and Quarantine" then the children are using the computer untrained and unsupervised and that's wrong.

The parents should be present and supervise the children's activities if they are too young to understand the difference between "Ignore and Quarantine" and older children should be trained and understand how to be safe using the Internet and know what to do when they get a "Ignore and Quarantine" pop-up.

The responsibility for "kids" lies squarely on the shoulders of the parents. It is their responsibility to teach their children or not allow them on a computer that accesses the Internet in the first place.

Hi David,

That doesn't answer the question as to whether there is another option to quarantine and not to ignore. I'll let him decide how to supervise his children, but if there is an option to only quarantine then it would be advantageous to him. I do not have any childten at home, but I am sure that I did not watch them all the time. Of course, when mine were young there were no PC that I knew or. :)

I am thinking that the few times that MBAM has encountered an attempt to penetrate my system it did not give me an option to do anything, but just gave message that the attempt had been blocked.



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I don't understand why one would think there is or should be a third option.

Either the file is legitimate or the file is malicious.

If the file is legitimate and MBAM flags it, quarantine the file and submit the file as False Positive declaration in the False Positive sub-forum. The file will be verified. Assuming it is a False Positive, when the problem is fixed, the file can be restored from quarantine.

If the file is malicious and is proved to be malicious, the quarantine can be purged.

The kids concept was directly addressed because that was the content of your quote.

As for whether or not there should be a third option, you'll find that's pretty much what an anti virus/anti malware application will do.

Do you know of other options provided by peer software ?

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I don't understand why one would think there is or should be a third option.

Either the file is legitimate or the file is malicious.

If the file is legitimate and MBAM flags it, quarantine the file and submit the file as False Positive declaration in the False Positive sub-forum. The file will be verified. Assuming it is a False Positive, when the problem is fixed, the file can be restored from quarantine.

If the file is malicious and is proved to be malicious, the quarantine can be purged.

The kids concept was directly addressed because that was the content of your quote.

As for whether or not there should be a third option, you'll find that's pretty much what an anti virus/anti malware application will do.

Do you know of other options provided by peer software ?

Hi David,

His problem is that if the choice is to ignore or quarantine the kids will not know what choice to make. I don't remember in the couple of times an attempt was made that there was any choice, MBAM just blocked it. Personally, that is my own preference, as I don't always know what type of malware is attempting to infect me.

No, I don't kow of other options. I just wanted to post his question, and evidently there is not a way to limit the choice to quarantine. At least I did not find one.

Thanks for the replies.I would not be without MBAM, and in a case where the AV would not operate with MBAM the AV goes and another replaces it.

In the past I think the MBAM folks visited Wilders and did help answer questions such as this. Maybe they still do, but have not visited today or often.

I do appreciate your response.


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There currently is no such option, however we do plan to change that in a later release by allowing users to configure Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to automatically and silently quarantine any detected threats by the protection module.

Our Corporate version has this feature, but the consumer version does not (yet).

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We are back to the parent and children scenario.

There is really only one answer. It is incumbent for the parent to supervise their youngest children on computer use and with older children they must educate the children.

The children should be using a Limited User Account (LUA) and the children *must* be educated to always choose to quarantine. Always air on the side of caution.

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We are back to the parent and children scenario.

There is only one answer. It is incumbant for the parent to supervise their yougest children on computer use and with older childern they must educate the children. The children should be using a Limited User Account (LUA) and the children *must* be educated to always choose to quarantine. Always air on the side of caution.

I'm not disagreeing, however, taking the control out of the hands of the child (or anyone else, especially on a limited user account where the protection module for Malwarebytes Anti-Malware still has full privileges) would be a good idea, and something offered by many other security products, usually manifested as an option to have your antivirus deal with detected threats automatically.

With our new Password Protected Settings feature, it would even further enhance such an option since a user who does not have the password would not be able to modify the setting.

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