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Using the Forum – Need help.

I think I have checked all the appropriate boxes, but not sure of two items.

1. What do I check to receive an email notification that I have received a response to a post?

2. What do I check to allow viewers to send me a personal message?




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1. What do I check to receive an email notification that I have received a response to a post?

When you are viewing a topic, in the upper-right corner there should be a button that says "Follow this topic" (click the button once to receive e-mail notifications for that topic, and click it again to turn them off).

Edit: I have been reminded that the default Malwarebytes theme for the forums puts it in the upper-left, and not in the upper-right. That's what I get for using a different theme. :P I just tested, and it is in the upper-right for me with the Malwarebytes theme. Now I'll have to consult with my sources, and see why we are confused.

2. What do I check to allow viewers to send me a personal message?

That should be enabled by default. ;)

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Are you saying to "turn them off" immediately after I select to receive email notifications? It seems like I would cancel the email notifcations at that point. Where am I confused? At this posting, in the upper right corner it says "unfollow this topic and stop notifications." I am leaving it there to see if I get an email notification with your response.

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