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I keep getting this message with my Malwarebytes Anti-Malware on my limited user account but whenever I click nothing happens. It just opens the main Malwarebytes Anti-Malware screen. What am I suppose to do ?

Can Malwarebytes Anti-Malware upgrade to a new version in a limited user account by itself ?

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  • 2 years later...

I am getting this notification about a new user, I am logged in as a user who is a member of Administrators, and when I click OK to "Install now?" it tells me:


Please log in as an administrator to install the new version of Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.


I've doublechecked and the account I'm using definitely is a member of Administrators.

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ih8spyware and Cornath

Its better to always start a new topic for yourselves, especially if you are replying to a very old topic, which probably does not apply any longer...

Your issue is more than likely that you have Self Protection Enabled. Check the setting under Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Uncheck Enable self-protection module


Self Protection Enabled


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I found the thread by searching the forums... Usually most forums will chastise you if you post a new thread for a topic that is already addressed elsewhere, and will close threads when discussion is closed. :-)


Unfortunately, your suggestion doesn't help me.  I do not have self-protection enabled.  Should I start a new thread now?  Or keep talking here?

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To those having this issue, you have three choices....

Do as Antec has suggested, download the latest installer from HERE and install over the top of your existing version.


Perform a Clean Reinstall as instructed in MBAM Clean Removal Process


Lastly, create your own topic (here at Malwarebytes we prefer for folks to start their own topics and issues that sound the same may not be the same result/fix).



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