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OK, it's my wife's computer this time. Here's the sad story:

Old Dell laptop, Win XP. She was on Facebook and downloaded an app there ("Having Fun"). Avira popped up a warning that the website she was about to open was dangerous, so she chose the option of NOT going there. However, her Facebook status page still showed that she had downloaded "Having Fun," so she told FB to remove it, and thought she was safe. About 5 minutes later, she suddenly got the BSOD.

I've powered her computer on/off; screen just says "no signal" then goes black. However, when you hit "ctrl-alt-del", the "no signal" message pops up again briefly, which suggests to me that SOME signal is getting from the computer to the screen.

Won't start in safe mode. And won't start with the MBAM boot disc inserted. (It does spin up and down, so I think "CD/DVD" is ahead of C: in the boot order, but not positive about that.) And her computer's not showing up in our home workgroup, so I can't see how to scan it remotely from mine (but I may not have the workgroup set up correctly; that's always puzzled me.)

With nothing showing on the monitor, I don't even know how to begin troubleshooting the problem. Halp!


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